OSD tanks are simply onsite stormwater detention tanks used for detaining the stormwater from your site to ensure all development areas can be safely drained. It’s a storage tank with a slow-release system to council kerb or street systems. The reason for their use is to improve drainage and environmental issues and to and avoid flooding.

OSD tank diagram

Many Councils in NSW are requiring new property owners to provide a system that will capture rainwater that falls on their property and release it at a slower rate than it would normally do.

You must regularly maintain your OSD System to prevent potential problems. This helps ensure that during a storm event, the tank will function as designed. If your OSD system discharges directly into a Sydney Water owned drainage system or your local Council requires annual reporting, you must enter into a formal service agreement which sets out your ongoing OSD maintenance responsibilities.

If your property has either above or below ground stormwater tanks, contact Stormwater Sydney to organise a maintenance schedule to ensure your assets work as designed and you meet reporting and maintenance requirements. Check out one of our past OSD projects in article right here.

Stormwater Sydney